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W09’s TOP 10 Pages

I keep whatever site which is still relevant.

  1. Mass Storage Management
    Short article describing mass storage management. It’s nicely described and complete with pictures to make it easier to understand. Nice read.

  2. HDD Scheduling
    Web describing about HDD scheduling. Although the web seems plain, it is pretty understandable, complete with graph to help describe it. Good article.

  3. NVM Scheduling
    The article talk about Non-volatile memory in a broader topic than just it’s scheduling, but it does contain about NVM scheduling. Nevertheless the other stuff besides scheduling is also pretty interesting. And all in all it’s good for a short article.

  4. Error Detection
    A video by NESO academy about Error detection. The video is about 10 minutes long. It is well explained with helpfull visual for explaining. Good video.

  5. Storage Device Management
    The video give a brief overview of storage device management including low-level formatting, partitioning, logical drive creation, logical formatting and the boot block. I really think this is really neatly explained. Very good video with barely any views. Worth the watch.

  6. Swap-space Management and Reliability
    Basically a lecture on said materials, abot 10 minutes. It’s understandable and pretty well explained. Good video.

  7. Disk Attachment
    A short article about Disk/storage Attachment. Although it seems plain and only have one picture, I think the explanation is really well written that you could understand it even without all the visuals. Good article.

  8. RAID
    No it’s not raid shadow legends lol. The video is about Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disk (RAID). It is pretty much a lecture with power point, but it is indeed explained well enough to be understood. Very helpful like many others indian in youtube which is the pillar of modern education, lol.

  9. Disk Scheduling Algorithm Part 1 Ppart 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wwadNI2OMc) [Part 3] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=junVVYqF4ms)
    It’s a three part video about Disk Scheduling Algorithm. Each video gave or take is about 5 minutes long. Though It’s unlinke usual video with lots of visual, this video which explain things on a whiteboard is pretty well explained. Pretty nice videos.

  10. Guide to systemd
    This artcile give you a helpfull introduction to systemd and how to use them. They have example of usage to which makes it good, and contain lots of information. Good article no doubt.